Thursday, September 5, 2024

Hepatitis B Core Antibody Test

Reactivation Risk In Anti

Hepatitis B Serology: Surface Antigen (HBsAg), Surface Antibody (anti-HBs), Core Antibody (anti-HBc)

Table 1 American Gastroenterological Association classification of reactivation risk in HBsAg/anti-HBc patients Full size table

The risk of HBV reactivation can be assessed based on positivity for HBV serum biomarkers and the type, duration, combination of agents, and dosing of immunosuppressive or chemotherapeutic agents . HBV reactivation risk can be as high as 4070% in anti-HBc-only, patients who are undergoing chemotherapy with B cell depleting antibodies like rituximab .

Noting that reactivation after immunosuppressive therapy is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, the AGA recommends antiviral prophylaxis for patients classified as at either moderate or high risk for reactivation for low-risk patients, there is no prophylaxis recommendation monitoring is per provider preference but seemingly sufficient . Entecavir and tenofovir prodrugs should be used as first-line prophylaxis or therapy due to their stronger antiviral potency and high threshold for resistance.

What Does It Mean If Your Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Is Negative

Your test results may not mean you have a problem. Ask your healthcare provider what your test results mean for you. Normal results are negative or nonreactive, meaning that no hepatitis B surface antigen was found. If your test is positive or reactive, it may mean you are actively infected with HBV.

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Hepatitis B Core Antigen

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Hepatitis B virus belongs to the hepatovirus family and causes type B hepatitis. Hepatitis B virus is spherical in shape with a diameter of 42 nm. Core antigens are localized within the nuclei, whereas the surface antigens are present in the cytoplasm of the infected cells. Antibodies to surface antigens appear in circulation at an early stage of infection, whereas the antibodies to the core antigens are detected in blood after several weeks. Hepatitis B core antibody targets Hepatitis B Virus Core Antigen in IHC applications.

  • A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred specimen typeor
  • One unbaked, unstained slide for H& E staining and two to three positively charged unstained slides for each test/antibody ordered
  • Block and slide identifiers should be clearly written and match exactly with the specimen ID and specimen labeling as noted on the requisition.

Use cold pack for transport. Make sure cold pack is not in direct contact with specimen.

Global: 48 hours, Tech-Only : 24 hours

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How The Hepatitis B Foundation Can Help

1. Our Help lines are available to answer questions you may have about hepatitis B. Please note that our Help Lines are NOT a substitute for medical care.

2. Our Physician Directory can help you find a liver specialist near you.

3. Our Drug Watch lists approved medicines and promising new treatments for hepatitis B.

4. Our list of Clinical Trials for hepatitis B provides you an opportunity to volunteer to test promising new treatments.

5. to get our monthly update on hepatitis B advocacy, research, and more.

Hbv Dna Hbv Genotype And Hbv Drug Resistance Assays

Hepatitis B Foundation: Understanding Your Hepatitis B Test Results

Specimen: Serum or plasma

Container: Red-top tube, yellow-top tube , gel-barrier tube, plasma preparation tube, or lavender tube

Collection method: Routine venipuncture

The specimen should be transfused to separate plasma/serum from cells within 6 hours and kept frozen when testing cannot be done promptly.

The tests use PCR amplification, DNA probe hybridization, and sequencing method.

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Counseling Practices That Educate Support And Motivate Clients Undergoing Screening

Clients might need help deciding whether to get screened, understanding the test results, and determining their next steps. Even when services offered through the substance abuse treatment program are limited, discussing testing with clients presents an opportunity for counselors to motivate clients for change by confronting substance use and by making choices that improve their overall health. However, this may also be true when services are offered on-site through substance abuse treatment programs. A study at one methadone clinic that offered hepatitis screening and vaccination revealed that although the majority of clients completed screening , only 54.7 percent of clients who lacked for hepatitis A received vaccinations and only 2.9 percent of clients who lacked immunity for received vaccinations .

The Consensus Panel makes the following general recommendations while recognizing that, in some programs, the counselors role may be limited:

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Discussing Screening Results With Clients

The medical personnel who ordered or arranged the screening test, not counselors, usually explain the results. Hepatitis screening should be part of the intake physical examination in an opioid treatment program, and medical personnel may report the results. However, the client may want to discuss the results with the counselor or ask the counselor questions.

Anxiety might interfere with some clients ability to comprehend or retain information, which might need to be repeated.

Suggestions for conversations with clients when the test results are negative include the following:

  • Explain results clearly and simply: So the HCV screening result was negative? This means that, as of 6 months ago, you did not have .
  • Emphasize that a negative result to an HCV test does not indicate to and that the client should take precautions to avoid . If a relapse to drug use occurs, advise clients to avoid sharing any drug paraphernalia or equipment. Specify that this includes cookers, cotton, water, needles, syringes, pipes, and straws.
  • Emphasize the importance of getting HAV and HBV vaccinations. Provide information about the availability of low- or no-cost vaccinations.

Clients whose screening test results are positive for will need additional tests and examinationsusually with doctors who specialize in diseases of the liver to get accurate diagnoses and to determine their health status and the extent of liver damage. These tests are described in .

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Question 7 Is Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Antibody Always Acquired After A Completed Vaccination Protocol

No. After 3 intramuscular doses of vaccine, > 90% of healthy adults and > 95% of those < 19 years of age develop immunity .1 However, there is an age-specific decline in development of immunity. After age 40 years, about 90% of people become immune, but by age 60 years, only 75% of people become immune.1 Larger vaccine doses or an increased number of doses are required to induce immunity in many hemodialysis patients and in other immunocompromised people.1


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hepatitis B. . Accessed May 30, 2013.
  • Ganem D, Prince AM. Hepatitis B virus infectionnatural history and clinical consequences. N Engl J Med. 2004 350:1118-1129.
  • This FAQ is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. A clinicians test selection and interpretation, diagnosis, and patient management decisions should be based on his/her education, clinical expertise, and assessment of the patient.Document FAQS.105 Revision: 0

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    Can I Take The Test At Home

    Isolated Hepatitis B Core Antibody in âPeople with HIV Infection

    Samples for hepatitis B testing can be collected at home. At-home hepatitis B testing requires a patient to collect a blood sample, typically from a fingerstick using a very small needle provided in the test kit. Once a blood sample is collected, it is prepared according to the instructions contained in the test kit and mailed to a laboratory for testing.

    Because there are numerous types of tests for HBV, it is important to look closely at the specific components of any at-home test kit. Many at-home test kits only look for hepatitis B surface antigen .

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    Hepatitis B And Your Liver

    The liver is such an important organ that we can survive only one or two days if it completely shuts down â if the liver fails, your body will fail, too. Fortunately, the liver can function even when up to 80% of it is diseased or removed. This is because it has the amazing ability to regenerate â or create â itself from healthy liver cells that still exist.

    If your body were an automobile, your liver would be considered the engine. It does hundreds of vital things to make sure everything runs smoothly:

    • Stores vitamins, sugar and iron to help give your body energy
    • Controls the production and removal of cholesterol
    • Clears your blood of waste products, drugs and other poisonous substances
    • Makes clotting factors to stop excessive bleeding after cuts or injuries
    • Produces immune factors and removes bacteria from the bloodstream to combat infection
    • Releases a substance called âbileâ to help digest food and absorb important nutrients

    The word hepatitis actually means inflammation of the liver. Thus, hepatitis B refers to inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus. With early detection and appropriate follow-up medical care, people living with a chronic hepatitis B infection can expect to enjoy a long and healthy life.

    Understanding Of Lab Tests Results

    Please visit the site associated with The American Association for Clinical Chemistry for better understanding of tests. There you will find the most detailed and full information regarding lab tests. In common questions tab you will find answers on the most common questions.

    In addition, you can use a special form to ask the question. It is useful, if there is no answer on your question on the web site. A laboratory scientist will answer your question. It is a part of voluntary service provided by the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.

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    What Is The Role Of Testing For Igm Antibody To Core Antigen Of Hepatitis B Virus

    • Stanley M. LemonCorrespondenceAddress reprint requests to Dr. S. M. Lemon, CB# 7030, 547 Burnett-Womack, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7030Affiliations

    J Infect Dis.

    J Infect Dis.J Clin Microbiol.

    • Study Group for Viral Hepatitis of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

    J Infect Dis.J Hyg .

    • Copenhagen Hepatitis Acuta Programme


    J Clin Microbiol.




    J Infect Dis.

    • Study Group for Viral Hepatitis of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

    J Infect Dis.J Hyg .

    J Infect Dis.

    J Infect Dis.

    J Infect Dis.

    • Study Group for Viral Hepatitis of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

    J Infect Dis.J Hyg .

    • Copenhagen Hepatitis Acuta Programme


    J Clin Microbiol.





    J Infect Dis.




    IgM anti-HBc
    5 3



    Gastroenterology.J Infect Dis.




    What Tests Will You Have To Do

    Hepatitis B Blood Tests Explained

    Hepatitis B

    You can be tested for hepatitis B at your VA medical center. This test is done by taking a sample of your blood.

    Your provider may recommend the following tests:

    Hepatitis B surface antibody If this test is positive, it means that:

    • you have antibodies against hepatitis B and are safe from getting the disease
    • you were either vaccinated against hepatitis B or exposed to it at some point in your lifetime

    Hepatitis B core antibody If the test is positive, it means that:

    • you have been exposed to hepatitis B and have developed an antibody to only part of the virus
    • they will do more tests to find out if you currently have the disease

    Hepatitis B surface antigen If the test is positive, it means that:

    • you currently have hepatitis B infection
    • you can spread the virus to others

    Hepatitis B e antigen If the test is positive, it means that:

    • you may have active hepatitis B and should be followed closely by your provider and possibly take hepatitis B medications
    • you may be very contagious to others

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    Hepatitis B Core Antibody Total Test

    This test looks for the presence of Hepatitis B Core Antibodies. Hep B is a viral liver infection that is spread through exposure to infected blood or bodily fluids. It is the most common cause of acute viral Hepatitis. Core antibodies are produced by the body’s immune system in response to the inner core of the hepatitis B virus. There are 2 types of core antibodies. IgM antibodies develop shortly after infection and fade away after a short period of time. As IgM antibody levels go down, IgG antibodies begin to develop and usually persist indefinitely. The core antibody test looks for both IgM and IgG antibodies but does not differentiate between them. Results of this test are qualitative and provide a positive or negative result.

    The presence of core HBc antibodies typically indicates that a person either had Hepatitis B in the past or has a current infection. The results of this test cannot distinguish between an active or past infection. A core antibody test is most useful when taken along with other tests such as a Hep B Surface Antigen and Hepatitis B Surface Antibody. A positive core antibody along with a positive surface antigen typically indicates a recent or current infection. A positive core antibody along with a positive surface antibody typically indicates that a person has had Hep B in the past, recovered, and now has immunity from future infection. Request A Test offers a Hepatitis B Panel which includes all 3 tests at a discounted price.

    Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Titer


    This antibody titer test checks for immunity to Hepatitis B.

    Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Titer This test measures your Hepatitis B Surface Antibody IgG titer level.

    Most people receive the Hepatitis B vaccine series when they are young and/or receive vaccine boosters as adults. As a consequence of either vaccination or prior exposure, people develop antibodies to Hepatitis B.

    The Hepatitis B Titer Test measures the Hepatitis B IgG antibody levels in your blood. Positive results mean that you are considered immune to Hepatitis B according to accepted international standards.

    Hepatitis B Titer Test results are reported as quantitative IgG titers.

    This information is for educational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any way. This site does not replace the services of licensed health care professionals and all site users should consult with a physician regarding their health concerns.

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    Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Qualitative

    Presence of antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen is used to determine immune status to HBV or disease progression in individuals infected with HBV. Anti-HBs levels can be measured to determine if vaccination is needed, or following a vaccination regimen, to determine if protective immunity has been achieved.

    Anti-HBs usually can be detected several weeks to several months after HBsAg is no longer found, and it may persist for many years or for life after acute infection has been resolved.

    It may disappear in some patients, with only antibody to core remaining.

    People with this antibody are not overtly infectious.

    Presence of the antibody without the presence of the antigen is evidence for immunity from reinfection, with virus of the same subtype.

    What is the Hepatitis B virus?

    Hepatitis B virus infection, also known as serum hepatitis, is endemic throughout the world. The infection is spread primarily through blood transfusion or percutaneous contact with infected blood products, such as sharing of needles among injection drug users. The virus is also found in virtually every type of human body fluid and has been known to be spread through oral and genital contact. HBV can be transmitted from mother to child during delivery through contact with blood and vaginal secretions, but it is not commonly transmitted via the transplacental route.

    The incubation period for HBV infection averages 60 to 90 days .

    What are common symptoms?

    Prevalence And Predictors Of The Anti

    Microbiology 550 c Hepatitis B HBV Dane PArticle HBsAg HBeAg HBcAg Antigen surface core antibodies

    Wide variation exists on the prevalence of isolated anti-HBc findings. In HIV+ cohorts, 17% to 40% of patients have been reported to have the isolated anti-HBc, owing to similar routes of transmission for HIV and HBV. Predictors of the isolated anti-HBc pattern include HIV infection, HCV infection, and specifically HCV viremia, older age, IDU, multiple sexual partners, and elevated HIV RNA levels . The isolated anti-HBc pattern is particularly common in HIV/HCV coinfection, likely due to shared routes of transmission and viral interplay . Estimates of prevalence of isolated anti-HBc may be limited due to differences in geography, as well as sensitivities of different immunoassays used in each study. This is in contrast to HIV negative cohorts, where the prevalence of the isolated anti-HBc ranges from 5.3-31.6% .

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    Preparing Clients For Screening

    Once clients are comfortable talking about viral , they might be more willing to undergo screening. However, clients might be anxious about the test itself a reassurance that testing is a simple procedure can help allay these concerns. Many substance use treatment facilities do not offer screening, and clients might need to be referred elsewhere. The following strategies can enhance the discussion of the hepatitis screening process and hepatitis prevention:

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    Hepatitis B Blood Tests

    The Hepatitis B Panel of Blood Tests

    Only one sample of blood is needed for a hepatitis B blood test, but the Hepatitis B Panel includes three parts. All three test results are needed to fully understand whether a person is infected or not. Below is an explanation of the 3-part Hepatitis B Panel of blood test results.

  • HBsAg – A “positive” or “reactive” HBsAg test result means that the person is infected with hepatitis B. This test can detect the actual presence of the hepatitis B virus in your blood. If a person tests positive, then further testing is needed to determine if this is a new acute infection or a chronic hepatitis B infection. A positive HBsAg test result means that you are infected and can spread the hepatitis B virus to others through your blood.
  • anti-HBs or HBsAb – A “positive” or “reactive” anti-HBs test result indicates that a person is protected against the hepatitis B virus. This protection can be the result of receiving the hepatitis B vaccine or successfully recovering from a past hepatitis B infection. This test is not routinely included in blood bank screenings. A positive anti-HBs test result means you are immune and protected against the hepatitis B virus and cannot be infected. You are not infected and cannot spread hepatitis B to others.
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