Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Does Hepatitis C Weaken Your Immune System

Complications Of Hepatitis A

New study to discover how âsuperâ? immune system can prevent HCV-infection

Around 10% of people who have had hepatitis A experience a relapse . Most people who have a relapse fully recover.

Hepatitis A does not cause chronic liver disease.

The severity of the disease is more severe in older age groups.

Complications of hepatitis A are rare, but the infection can lead to fulminant hepatitis. This is an acute form of hepatitis that can cause liver failure. The risk of death from fulminant hepatitis increases with age.

What Side Effects Of The Vaccine Should People With Hepatitis C Pay Attention To

Having hepatitis C does not increase your risk of unique side effects, Maheshwari says. But you may experience the same ones that otherwise healthy people have reported pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, or a fever, according to the Toronto Centre for Liver Disease.

If you have cirrhosis, you may be dealing with these side effects longer. In the general population, side effects tend to dissipate within 24 to 36 hours, Maheshwari says. In patients with cirrhosis, weve seen these side effects linger on for three to five days or so.

That shouldnt deter you from getting the vaccine though, Maheshwari says. People need to be warned that you are going to experience some side effects to the vaccine no matter which vaccine you take, and you just need to be prepared for it, he says. I would describe it as short-term pain for long-term gain.

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What Is The Treatment For Hepatitis C

The treatment for hepatitis C has advanced in recent years which has greatly improved the outlook for people with hepatitis C. The main aim of treatment is to clear HCV from the body and so prevent severe liver damage leading to cirrhosis.

If you have acute hepatitis C, you may not need treatment, but will be monitored carefully to see if your body clears the virus on its own, and to keep an eye out for liver damage. Treatment with medicines is advised for most people with chronic hepatitis C. The type of treatment will depend on various factors, including the type of HCV, the severity of the infection and your own health. The treatments recommended are changing all the time as the treatment of hepatitis C is a developing area of medicine. New treatments continue to be developed. The specialist who knows your case can give more accurate information about the outlook for your particular situation. They can also advise on the side-effects you can expect with each individual treatment. Treatment length varies, depending on your situation, and can last from two months to nearly a year.

However, newer treatment combinations have been found to be more effective in many cases. Sometimes these are used along with ribavirin. There are quite a few different medicines used and recommendations change frequently in this rapidly developing field.

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Why Would My Doctor Prescribe Interferons

Until recently, treatments for hepatitis C focused on interferons and ribavirin. These drugs were used in an attempt to cure the hepatitis C infection. However, they were only effective some of the time.

Effective treatment with these medications would prevent liver disease and cirrhosis . In addition, effective treatment would decrease the risk of liver cancer and help prevent liver failure.

But today, interferons arent typically prescribed to treat hepatitis C. In recent years, DAAs have become available, and they have a cure rate of up to 99 percent . These drugs require a shorter treatment time and typically have fewer side effects than interferons. However, theyre very expensive, and most of them only treat certain types of hepatitis C.

The type of DAA your doctor might prescribe would depend on your insurance coverage and the type of hepatitis C you have. Some examples of DAAs include:

  • Harvoni

What Are The Risk Factors For Hepatitis C

How long can you live with hepatitis C?

In the United States, having been born between 1945 and 1965, and the use of illicit injection drugs are the two most common factors associated with hepatitis C. Other risk factors include

  • having received blood transfusions prior to 1990,
  • hemodialysis, and
  • having greater than 10-lifetime sex partners.

Population studies show that hepatitis C is more common among males, non-Hispanic blacks, those with low income, and those with less than a high school education.

People who have HIV/AIDS have an increased risk for hepatitis C, because both these diseases are transmitted in the same ways, through blood and body fluids. If someone has both infections, that person is said to be co-infected with HIV and HCV.

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Who Is Most At Risk Of Contracting Hepatitis C

You have a high risk of contracting hepatitis C if you:

  • use or have used injection drugs even if it was just once or many years ago
  • have received blood or blood products or an organ transplant before July 1990 in Canada
  • have been in jail or
  • have been injected or scratched during vaccination, surgery, blood transfusion or a religious/ceremonial ritual in regions where hepatitis C is common.

You have a high moderate risk of contracting hepatitis C if you:

  • have tattoos or body piercing
  • have multiple sexual partners
  • have a sexually transmitted infection , including HIV or lymphogranuloma venereum
  • have experienced traumatic sex or rough sex or have used sex toys or fisting that can tear body tissue
  • have vaginal sex during menstruation
  • have received a kidney treatment
  • have received an accidental injury from a needle or syringe
  • have another infectious disease
  • were born to a hepatitis C infected mother or
  • have a sexual partner infected with hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C is NOT passed from person to person by:

  • coughing, sneezing
  • breastfeeding unless your nipples are cracked and bleeding or
  • oral sex, unless blood is present.

What Laboratory Tests Diagnose Hepatitis C

Laboratory blood tests will be done to evaluate the patient’s liver function and to look for hepatitis C antibodies . If these tests indicate that the person has hepatitis C, a hepatitis C “viral load” test will be done. This looks for genetic material from the hepatitis C virus and measures the quantity of hepatitis C virus that is circulating in the patient’s blood. This is helpful in determining if treatment is appropriate and to monitor the success of the treatment .

Individuals who had hepatitis C in the past and cleared the virus on their own will have a positive HCV antibody test, but there will be no hepatitis C virus genetic material in the blood. If a person is immunosuppressed due to an immunological condition, cancer chemotherapy, immunotherapy or HIV/AIDS, the test results may be different and need to be evaluated accordingly.

Recommended Reading: How Does Hepatitis C Affect The Liver

Additional Tests You Might Need

Once youve been diagnosed with Hepatitis C, your doctor will likely order a number of tests to find out about the health of your liver and decide on a treatment plan thats most appropriate for you.

Hepatitis C genotype

The Hepatitis C genotype refers to a specific strain or type of the Hepatitis C virus. There are six major types of Hepatitis C around the world: genotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. In the United States, genotypes 1, 2, and 3 are common:

  • Genotype 1: Most Americans with Hepatitis C have this type
  • Genotype 2: About 10% of Americans with Hepatitis C have this type
  • Genotype 3: About 6% of Americans with Hepatitis C have this type

The genotype of Hepatitis C does not change over time, so you only need to get tested once.

Genotype tests are done before a person starts treatment. Hepatitis C treatment works differently for different genotypes, so knowing your genotype helps your doctor choose the best treatment for you.

Testing for Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B

Your doctor may test to see if your body is immune to Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. If these tests show no prior exposure or protection, he or she will recommend that you be vaccinated against these two viruses to eliminate the chance of becoming infected.

Liver function tests or liver enzymes

  • ALT
  • AST

Liver function tests also include ALP and total bilirubin, among other things.

Tests to measure liver scarring or fibrosis

  • Liver Biopsy
  • Elastography
  • Serum markers

Imaging tests

I Am In Rehab Prison Or A Hospital Am I At Higher Risk Of Covid

Hepatitis C Virus

If everyone is following the governments advice on how to stay safe including social and physical distancing and washing hands then we are all lowering our risk of coming into contact with COVID-19. Some places face different challenges in keeping everyone safe.

Rehab facilities are working really hard to protect clients and staff from COVID-19.

Physical distancing inside prisons is difficult but staff are taking action to reduce the risks. Justice Health have assured us that any person in custody who develops coronavirus-like symptoms will be immediately isolated from the general prison population, tested for COVID-19, and provided with a protective mask.

People who work in hospitals are at greater risk of being exposed to COVID-19. All doctors, specialists, nurses, and health staff are doing everything they can to make hospitals as safe as possible.

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Acute Hepatitis B Infection

There is no specific treatment for acute hepatitis B, and most people recover within one to two months. Usually, you can manage symptoms at home with painkillers if necessary. Your healthcare professional should advise you to have regular blood tests and physical check-ups. Most people make a full recovery from acute hepatitis B.

What Happens If Exposure Occurs

If a person is exposed to a body fluid that can pass the hepatitis C virus, it still needs to be able to get into the body for a person to get an infection. Our bodies are covered in skin and mucous membranes, which act as a protective layer that wont allow hepatitis C to enter the body. For the virus to get into the body there needs to be a break in the skin or one of the mucous membranes.

In Canada, the most common way for hepatitis C to be passed is through a break in the skin. This predominately happens by injecting drugs with a needle that has already been used by someone with hepatitis C.10 Hepatitis C was also commonly passed through blood transfusions in Canada prior to the introduction of hepatitis C blood supply screening in 1992.

A less common way that hepatitis C can enter the body is through the mucous membranes. This predominantly occurs among men who have sex with men during condomless anal sex. The virus is thought to get into the body through a tear in the delicate mucous membrane of the rectum or a sore caused by a sexually transmitted infection such as a syphilis ulcer. During sex, the virus can be passed into the rectum on a penis, hand or sex toy that has been in contact with blood .11

Read Also: Can You Get Hepatitis C Sexually

How Can I Cover Medication Costs

New therapies called direct-acting antivirals are effective and can achieve cures of over 90%. Because these new therapies are very new, they remain very expensive. As such, drug coverage from both government and private companies may require that your liver disease has progressed to a certain stage before they are willing to cover the cost of these drugs.

Talk with your healthcare provider about financial support that may be available.

Below are useful resources when looking for financial assistance:Private health insurance or drug plansIf you have private health insurance or a drug plan at work, you may be able to have the medication paid through your plan. Please consult your private health insurance or drug plan provider to see if your drug is covered.

Publicly funded plansEach provincial and territorial government offers a drug benefit plan for eligible groups. Some are income-based universal programs. Most have specific programs for population groups that may require more enhanced coverage for high drug costs. These groups include seniors, recipients of social assistance, and individuals with diseases or conditions that are associated with high drug costs. For more details, please contact your provincial or territorial health care ministry, or click on the appropriate link below.


Available Patient Assistance Programs for Hepatitis C treatment Holkira Pak Maviret

MerckCare Hepatitis C Program 1 872-5773 Zepatier

The Immune System Was Affected

IVIG Therapy

The results showed that the overall composition of the immune system was affected by the chronic infection, with significantly reduced diversity among the NK cells. Many of the changes remained long after the virus had been eliminated by means of medication. Researchers have not yet determined the long-term implications but are currently exploring whether patients have a harder time fighting future infection.

One strength of our study is that we monitored patients for more than two years following elimination of the virus, Benedikt Strunz, physician and doctoral student at the same department. To the best of our knowledge, nobody has ever monitored over such a long term like this before.

Nevertheless, a number of questions are outstanding. Researchers would like to investigate consequences for a good deal longer than two years, as well as identify strategies for rejuvenating the immune system and increasing its diversity.

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Treating Hepatitis C Matters

When you see your doctor and start treatment for a chronic hep C infection, you can prevent these problems, improve them, or keep them from getting worse. New drugs can clear the virus from your body in a few months with fewer side effects than older medicines. If thereâs no virus in your blood 3 months after treatment, youâre considered cured.

Getting rid of the infection protects others, too. Hepatitis C spreads through blood-to-blood contact. You could infect a loved one if you accidentally use their toothbrush or cut yourself and donât clean up the blood properly. People who get hep C treatment greatly lower the odds that they will pass the virus to someone else.

If you arenât sure if you have hepatitis C, talk to your doctor to see if you should get tested. Learn why you should get tested for hepatitis C.

What Fluids Are Implicated In Hepatitis C Transmission

For someone to get hepatitis C there must be an exposure to the hepatitis C virus. This exposure occurs when body fluids from someone with hepatitis C that contain enough virus for transmission to occur, get into the blood of another person. The primary body fluid that is responsible for hepatitis C transmission is blood. This occurs by direct blood-to-blood contact. Hepatitis C virus has also been found in the semen and rectal fluid of some men with hepatitis C and HIV.

Hepatitis C virus has been isolated in semen and rectal fluid,1 menstrual fluid,2,3 vaginal fluid,4 saliva5 and breastmilk,6 which means there is a theoretical risk for hepatitis C transmission. However, the risk of transmission through these fluids is very low to non-existent.5,6,7,8,9

Also Check: How Dangerous Is Hepatitis C

Acute Phase Of Hepatitis C

Acute means ‘new’ or ‘for a short time’. This phase lasts for the first six months. When first infected with the virus, most people have no symptoms, or only mild ones. If symptoms do occur, they develop about 7-8 weeks after being exposed to the virus and may include feeling sick , being sick and feeling generally unwell. Some people go ‘yellow’ . This is due to a build-up of the chemical bilirubin which is made in the liver and spills into the blood in some liver conditions. It is unusual to have severe symptoms.

Following the initial infection:

  • In about one quarter to one half of cases the virus is cleared from the body by the immune system within 2-6 months. If this happens then you will have no long-term effects from the virus. Younger people and women are more likely to clear the virus in this way.
  • In 5 to 8 out of 10 cases, the virus remains active in the liver and bloodstream long-term. This is called chronic infection with hepatitis C.

Considerations For The Immumocompromised

VERIFY: Donating blood does not weaken your immune system

People who are immune-compromised may be at a greater risk of both acquiring coronavirus as well as developing more severe cases of the illness. People in these groups should take the necessary precautions just as we would for any other flu bug or virus. If you have any questions, talk to your health care provider about steps to protect you from the coronavirus, or any other communicable disease.

Read Also: What Does Non Reactive Hepatitis B Mean

Should I Get The Flu Vaccine And Will This Protect Me Against Covid

The flu vaccine wont help protect you against COVID-19, but can protect you against the most common strains of flu this coming flu season. Having the flu and COVID-19 is potentially dangerous, so we strongly recommend getting the flu vaccination.

If you have concerns about going to the doctors at this time we recommend giving your doctor a call to discuss what is the best course of action for you and your health.

Read more about flu vaccinations and COVID-19> > >

Reducing The Risk Of Hepatitis A

Protecting yourself from hepatitis A

The most important action you can take to protect yourself against hepatitis A is to get vaccinated.

Practising strict personal hygiene is also essential to reducing the risk of hepatitis A. Steps you can take include:

  • Wash your hands with soap and hot running water before handling food, after going to the toilet and after handling used condoms or having contact with nappies or the anal area of another person. Use a clean towel to dry your hands.
  • Use barrier protection when engaging in oral-anal sex and avoid sex with someone who is infected with the hepatitis A virus.
  • Vaccination may prevent illness if given within 2 weeks of contact with an infectious person.
  • Clean bathrooms and toilets often, paying attention to toilet seats, handles, taps and nappy change tables.
  • Boil your drinking water if it comes from an untreated source, such as a river.
  • If you are travelling overseas, particularly to countries where hepatitis A is widespread, take special care to avoid hepatitis A. Before travelling, talk to your doctor about immunisation for protection.

Protecting others from hepatitis A

If you have hepatitis:

  • Wash eating utensils in soapy water, and machine wash linen and towels.

Household contacts and sexual partners of an infectious person may need to be immunised.

All people who have hepatitis A should check with their doctor before returning to work or school.

Protecting yourself from hepatitis A when overseas

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